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VOGUE GINNY DOLL 1986 8” POSEABLE DOLL pebbles flintstones euc - $14 - (Sioux Falls, SD)

I think she looks like pebbles from the flintstones but I can’t say for sure. In mint condition. Pay pal only please. Please pay within 3 days of auction ending.

VOGUE GINNY DOLL 1986 8” POSEABLE DOLL pebbles flintstones euc
VOGUE GINNY DOLL 1986 8” POSEABLE DOLL pebbles flintstones euc
VOGUE GINNY DOLL 1986 8” POSEABLE DOLL pebbles flintstones euc
VOGUE GINNY DOLL 1986 8” POSEABLE DOLL pebbles flintstones euc
VOGUE GINNY DOLL 1986 8” POSEABLE DOLL pebbles flintstones euc


Posted in Sioux Falls, SD, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago