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Nursery Wall Plaques-Chalkware, Set of 3-Cute Bird Family, 40's-50's - $15 - (Tupelo, OK)

These 3 little birds are so cute. (Mama bird, Daddy bird & Baby bird) The bird with wings outstretched is 7" wing tip to wing tip & 2" from back to front & 6" from top of head to bottom of tail feather. The bird with one wing in the front, is 6" x 5" x 2". The baby bird in the egg is 5" x 3" x 2". They are pretty heavy and are made from plaster. (all together they weigh over 2 lbs.) I use to have them hanging in my children's rooms when they were babies. When I purchased them used, the wing on one was broken and I just left it alone. They are very colorful and not scarred up. It doesn't show up too bad and I hated to change the color at the time. A little paint would solve the issue, I just liked their color and the idea that they were as "old as me". LOL! They are made of plaster and hand made. Thanks for stopping by and check back soon to see what else I've found to list. Have fun at the auction and enjoy shopping on E-bay!!

Nursery Wall Plaques-Chalkware, Set of 3-Cute Bird Family, 40's-50's
Nursery Wall Plaques-Chalkware, Set of 3-Cute Bird Family, 40's-50's
Nursery Wall Plaques-Chalkware, Set of 3-Cute Bird Family, 40's-50's
Nursery Wall Plaques-Chalkware, Set of 3-Cute Bird Family, 40's-50's
Nursery Wall Plaques-Chalkware, Set of 3-Cute Bird Family, 40's-50's


Posted in Tupelo, OK, Collectibles
From ebay.com - 1 month ago