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Vintage antique Meji Taisho period Japanese bronze Koi fish vase planter Japan - $99 - (Rochester, MN)

Being offered is a brilliant and rare Japanese bronze Koi fish vase from the Meji period. It shows a wonderful patinated finish from natural aging over the decades. This whimsical and chunky fish has an open back, it's creator splitting the dorsal fin for the planter area. The vase measures 5.75" long, 3.25" wide and it stands 4" tall. This planter will make a fantastic addition to your Japanese inspired decor. Thank you for your consideration.

Vintage antique Meji Taisho period Japanese bronze Koi fish vase planter Japan
Vintage antique Meji Taisho period Japanese bronze Koi fish vase planter Japan
Vintage antique Meji Taisho period Japanese bronze Koi fish vase planter Japan
Vintage antique Meji Taisho period Japanese bronze Koi fish vase planter Japan
Vintage antique Meji Taisho period Japanese bronze Koi fish vase planter Japan


Posted in Rochester, MN, Antiques
From - 1 month ago