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Girl's 4-5 mixed lot Carter's, Cat & Jack, Sonoma, Health-Tex, Athletic Works - $20 - (Woodland, PA)

Girl's mixed lot. Sizes 4 and 4-5. NWT and NWOT.Sonoma gingham navy and white top. Size 4.Carter's short sleeve blue top. Size 4.Health-Tex 2 piece short/sleeveless top set. Size 4.Cat & Jack bermuda jean shorts. Size 4/5.Athletic Works purple sweatpants. Size 4/5. Thanks for looking! If you have any questions please ask before you bid/buy! I will answer as soon as possible.

Girl's 4-5 mixed lot Carter's, Cat & Jack, Sonoma, Health-Tex, Athletic Works
Girl's 4-5 mixed lot Carter's, Cat & Jack, Sonoma, Health-Tex, Athletic Works
Girl's 4-5 mixed lot Carter's, Cat & Jack, Sonoma, Health-Tex, Athletic Works
Girl's 4-5 mixed lot Carter's, Cat & Jack, Sonoma, Health-Tex, Athletic Works
Girl's 4-5 mixed lot Carter's, Cat & Jack, Sonoma, Health-Tex, Athletic Works


Posted in Woodland, PA, Clothes
From - 1 month ago