ROCHE COAGUCHEK XS PT/INR METER MONITOR TESTING KIT & LANCETS . Condition is New. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Brand New/NeverUsedCoaguChek XS Meter/MonitorTest Kit For Professional or Patient Self Testing Use Includes: Meter, Carrying Case, Batteries,Instruction Manual, 16 Safety Lancets & Patient Training DVDTest strips soldseparately TheCoaguchek XS monitor system is used for the quantitative determination ofProthrombin Time (PT) in fresh, capillary whole blood. The PT Monitoringsystem is intended for use outside the body (in vitro diagnostic use) by peopletaking warfarin/coumadin and other oral anticoagulant (blood thinning) therapywho need to monitor the clotting time of their blood. The CoaguChek XS Meter has set the standard forprecision in point-of-care prothrombin time (PT/INR) testing for patients onoral anticoagulant (warfarin/coumadin) therapy – providing confidence in makingcritical treatment decisions. The CoaguChekXS Meter reduces the headache of oral anticoagulation management, isvery easy to use, and features on-board quality controls with everytest. Immediate Results For Immediate TherapyAdjustments: Obtaining accurate PT/INR results quickly in home oroffice helps enable patients/clinicians to make immediate therapyadjustments. Multiple studies have shown that a systematic approachto anticoagulation management, focused at the point of care, may increase thetime patients are in range and reduce adverse events. TakeControl and Improve Your Health Patients/Clinicians now have somethingthat can make warfarin safer and more effective. Home testing is a greatopportunity for you and/or your patient to take an active role in health andanticoagulation therapy. Check INR value anywhere at anytime with theCoaguChek XS Meter. Testingmore often improves control and provides you with peace of mind knowing you oryour patient's INR is within the target zone. It ultimately provides a betterunderstanding of the effects of regular medications and changes in

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