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Black Sabino Walker Been there done that - $1,600 - (New Cumberland, WV)

Boy oh boy ... are you are seeking a smooth ride head turning partner with all round experience with color to boot? This boy is 1 to take a look at you will not be sorry. Pee Wee is that kind of horse trail rode shown at the local fair and used as a pony horse on the racetrack for several years when working the race track it takes a level headed partner to not only keep his rider safe but also the thoroughbred he has at his side. Will hold is gait as well as lope when asked has been in every situation and proven to keep his cool.. What more can 1 ask for? Owner has decided having three ponies for the track is not needed he is offered for sale at this time. Safe for all levels of riders from beginners to experienced he is super easy to work with trimming vetting etc.


Posted in New Cumberland, WV, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago