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Dunbar Polypenco P1 Bagpipe Set - $679 - (Amelia, OH)

Dunbar Polypenco Bagpipe Set. Condition is lightly used. Comes with a Large gortex zipable bag, drone stops or air regulators installed in bag. Comes with a set of Canning synthetic reeds already tuned. Canning reeds has lifetime warranty. These are replacements 2 years ago because of improper storage. Dunbar P1 Chanter. Comes with 2 easy and medium chanter reeds from pipers hut, . Forget the maker. Well over 1000k in new value. Red clean cover plus braid. Low maintenance. Ive owned wood and poly. Prefer poly. Play in any climate or weather. They have been in storage for a year weekend use prior. Piping thread was used for sealing, but it comes with wax hemp thread spool. A good beginers set, up to mid level. Go for gold with a good chanter reed. Going over seas for a few years .Selling. Update jan19. more photos and re seal, de essemble, re package. Double foam lined box.

Dunbar Polypenco P1 Bagpipe Set
Dunbar Polypenco P1 Bagpipe Set
Dunbar Polypenco P1 Bagpipe Set
Dunbar Polypenco P1 Bagpipe Set
Dunbar Polypenco P1 Bagpipe Set


Posted in Amelia, OH, Music Instruments
From - 1 month ago