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Adopt Daisy a Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed dog in Las Vegas, NV (24626340) - N.A. - (Las Vegas, NV)

Greetings everyone. My name is Daisy. It would just warm my heart if you adopted me today! See I came to the NSPCA from The Western Arizona Humane Society. This is a new change for me so I am a little bit timid right now, but that will change once I find my forever home . The amazing staff here at the NSPCA is helping me open up 1 day at a time. I havn't had a chance to play with other doggies yet so I please as that you bring any other animals in your home to meet me before adopting me. I cannot wait to see you Female-( 6 yrs. 9mos. Pit bull Terrier)If you would like to contribute to the care and well being of our animals please visit Nevadaspca.org

Adopt Daisy a Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed dog in Las Vegas, NV (24626340)


Posted in Las Vegas, NV, Animal and Pets
From Adopt-a-Pet.com - 1 month ago