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Hallmark elegance on Ice Ornament 1997 with box sculpted by Joyce Lyle - $17 - (White Sulphur Springs, WV)

Elegance on Ice Hallmark ornament 1997. With original box. Sculpted by Joyce Lyle.

Hallmark elegance on Ice Ornament 1997 with box sculpted by Joyce Lyle
Hallmark elegance on Ice Ornament 1997 with box sculpted by Joyce Lyle
Hallmark elegance on Ice Ornament 1997 with box sculpted by Joyce Lyle
Hallmark elegance on Ice Ornament 1997 with box sculpted by Joyce Lyle
Hallmark elegance on Ice Ornament 1997 with box sculpted by Joyce Lyle


Posted in White Sulphur Springs, WV, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago