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Audiocodes Mediant2000/8Span/2AC/H248/NN Media Gateway 3200 GGWT00084 NTR651JX - $4,950 - (Salem, OR)

This is a Audiocodes Mediant 2000 Media Gateway. This is Dual Branded. Nortel Media Server 2030 PN: NTR651JX Audiocodes Mediant 2000 PN: GGWT0084 Desc: Mediant2000/8Span/2AC/H248/NN Includes: Front Card: IPM-1610 Card FASU00099 CMT-216 Back Card: FASU00023 GTER-165 8 Port PSTNDual AC Power Rack Mount Ears90 Day Hardware Warranty Let me know if you have any questions M-F 9:00-5:00 PST Here is a link to more info from Audiocodes website:

Audiocodes Mediant2000/8Span/2AC/H248/NN Media Gateway 3200 GGWT00084 NTR651JX


Posted in Salem, OR, Electronics
From - 1 month ago