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Kansas City, Everything Eyelashes or Classic (mink) Eyelash Certification - N.A. - (Kansas City, MO)

School of Glamology Everything Eyelash Training This course is brought to you by the School of Glamology and will teach you every eyelash manipulation technique there is to ensure you apply beautiful lashes to your customers. You can easily charge between $10 to $175 for these services. These techniques allow your customers to have natural looking lashes that will last 2-6 weeks depending on the method used. Refills is where that residual income comes in because these lashes need to be maintained. A technician can make $10,000 a month doing lashes which is way more than any hourly position will pay you. Our students are quitting their jobs after taking this course and you can too!! What sets us apart? Small, Affordable

Kansas City, Everything Eyelashes or Classic (mink) Eyelash Certification


Posted in Kansas City, MO, Tickets
From Eventful - 1 month ago