Hex Signs' lecture 3/1 at Glencairn Museum: Symbolism in PA Dutch Barn Stars - N.A. - (Huntingdon Valley, PA)
This lecture, which opens the exhibition of the same name at Glencairn Museum, is an illustrated presentation about Glencairn’s exhibition of Pennsylvania barn art by Patrick J. Donmoyer, guest curator. Open to the public, there is no charge to attend the lecture nor any need to register. Donmoyer has spent over a decade researching and photographing decorated barns throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania. His survey reveals a diverse and colorful tradition of folk art that illustrates trends in Pennsylvania German folklore, especially as it pertains to beliefs and practices associated with the agricultural lifestyle, religious expression and observations of the heavens. Donmoyer is director of Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center at Kutztown University and author of “Hex Signs: Myth and Meaning in Pennsylvania Dutch Barn Stars.” (2013)

From Eventful - 1 month ago