Bessler Topcon AUTO100 w/135mm f4 UV Topcor lens for parts or repair & lens case - $20 - (Cromwell, MN)
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Posted 1 month ago
Bessler Topcon D100 w/135mm f4 UV Topcor lens for parts or repair & lens case. This camera is an SLR with interchangeable lenses and a behind the lens leaf shutter. Cosmetically it is good to very good. The shutter is a puzzle: it fires and at different speeds and the mirror flips up and down, but nothing is visible in the viewfinder! Haven't test the meter. The glass in the lens looks good, however there is a curious spot right in the middle of the lens, small, doubt it affects pictures, but it is there. The mounting ring wobbles a bit, again don't think it would affect picts. Aperture stops down when shutter fires. Nice leather case for the lens Not tested with film, sold as is for parts or repair.

From - 1 month ago