3x Baby Golden Mystery Snails (Pomacea Diffusa) with FREE Recipe - $10 - (Syracuse, NY)
3x Baby Golden Mystery Snails (Pomacea Diffusa) with FREE Recipe Mystery Snail Pomacea Temperment - Peaceful PH - 7.0-7.5 Temperature - 65-82 Degrees F Diet - Everything you can imagine Tank Size - 5 Gallons and Larger Mystery Snails are a great addition to any community aquarium. Mystery Snails are friendly to other creatures and do a great job of cleaning algae and debris from your tank. Mystery Snails can easily grow to the size of a golf ball and can live up to 4 years in the right conditions. Smaller snails may fall victim to the powerful intakes of some filtration systems. If you have a strong intake it is recommended to cover it with mesh or sponge to avoid smaller snails from becoming stuck. One main advantage of Mystery Snails is that they will not overpopulate your tank, much like many of the other aquarium snail species. These snails will only lay egg sacks above the water line and can easily be removed to keep them from hatching in your tank. Mystery Snails require a good source of calcium in order to keep their shell healthy and growing thick. We offer our Mystery Snails home made high calcium food to supplement the necessary calcium they need. Mystery Snails are hardy little creatures, when you first receive them, they often will stay hidden in their shells, sometimes appearing lifeless for hours on end. Usually after a day of acclimating in a new tank they will begin exploring. Dead snails will not hide in their shells, they will hang lifeless out of it. It is never good to try and force a snail open or out of its shell. They can easily be injured in trying. ** DO NOT Use Medications or Chemicals containing Copper - This is deadly to all Snails ** Please note the size and color of the Mystery Snail may vary - Each live animal is unique! We generally send pea to quarter size snails This Package Includes 3 Gold Mystery Snails 1 homemade calcium enriched food recipe We guarantee Live Arrival of all of our aquarium creatures. In the unfortunate event t

From ebay.com - 1 month ago