25 Trojan Enz Condoms Bulk No Box Condoms Genuine exp: 04-01-2021 Trojan Condoms - $8 - (Athens, WV)
This list is a private listing for 25 count Trojan Enz condoms with an expiration date of 04-01-2021. These are being provided at a discounted rate through the College Campus Condom Campaign, or C4. Our mission is simple -- lower prices, more availability, smarter decisions regardless of gender & sexuality. You may use eBay Bucks and Coupons here. These ship with tracking in discreet packaging. The packing has absolutely no indicator of your purchase. Buying in bulk saves you time, money, and stress. These are whitebox special, so they are not marked with the brand or item. 25 Trojan ENZ Premium Lubricated Latex Condoms100% authentic unopened, sealed, and not damaged. Manufactured by Church & Dwight Co. Expires in April 2021 Kept at recommended storage temperature. As always, condoms are a use at your own risk type of item. They are meant to reduce the chance of pregnancy. They are also meant to reduce the risk of an STI. They are not fail proof. The buyer is entirely responsible for the use of item. All items are ship privately and with tracking so you can ensure safe arrival.I ship Mon-Saturday and your item is expected to arrive typically in 3-5 business days. I will ship to ALL FIFTY US STATES and military bases. Please be aware that bases require a customs form. Once you checkout, your shipping address is the address the item will be mailed to.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago