A+ Interactive Math Premium Ed Homeschool 4th Grade Full Curriculum Software - $75 - (Gilmer, TX)
This is brand new software, still sealed. It is the Premium Edition 4th Grade Math Full Curriculum Software for Windows PC only. The main subject areas covered are number sense review, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, fractions and fraction operations, number conversions and mixed fractions operations, the number line and number comparisons, algebra, geometry, time and money, measurements and conversions, probability, displaying data using graphs, word problems and problem-solving. Again... this is for Windows PC only. Product Description This is a Premium Edition of Interactive MATH Software CD. In addition to all the great contents and features of the Standard Edition, the Premium Edition includes the following valuable and time savings features. 1) Progress Tracking and Reporting for up to 5 Children with easy to read progress report. Easily maintain records of all completed assignments for each student in one secure place. 2) Parental Controls - Allows parents to hide/unhide the "answer keys" and solution guides from a student 3) Weekly Certificate of Accomplishment - The system tracks all assignments completed by students once parents have entered their assignments scores and generates a"Weekly Progress Report" in a very child-friendly format for student's review. This provides encouragement to your students as they see their weekly accomplishments in a very well certificate- like format. The Standard Edition CD includes: 1) Multimedia lessons (highly animated lessons that combine all three learning modalities - Audio, Visuals and Text-based instructions) 2) Interactive Q&A which identifies gaps and reinforces learning with step-by-step problem solving instructions using Audio, Visuals and text-based instructions. 3) Printable worksheets. 4) Worksheets Solution Guide - A Parent's Manual (with step-by-step problem solving instructions to each worksheet problem). 5)Printable Exams. 6) Exams Solution Guide - A Parent's Manual (with ste

From ebay.com - 1 month ago