US #228 (1887) 30c Used - Fine - EFO: Guide Line Arrow Lower Right Corner 1/200 - $35,000 - (Orem, UT)
Welcome to the Inverted Jenny Hotline This item is: SCN: 228Thomas Jefferson30 Cents Condition: Used, FineEFO: Guide line arrow LR corner 1/200 Note: These stamps were cut from a sheet of 200 stamps into individual sheets (panes) of 100 stamps. The guide line arrows were placed at the edge of the sheets, midway between the sheets to help the person who was cutting the sheets. (see picture) Therefore to cut this sheet of 200 stamps into 2 sheets of 100 stamps, there would have been only 2 ARROWS. This ARROW is uncommon and would only occur in 1/200 stamps (one per sheet), but because of the position of the arrows (top center, bottom center), each arrow is unique and would only occur 1/200 stamps. Note: Stamp Rarity for this stamps Guide Line Arrow. There were 1,502,408 million of these stamps were printed (The Swedish Tiger). Only 1/200 of these stamps would have the Guide Line Arrow. Therefore only 7522 of these 30 cents stamps would have the Guide Line Arrow. Considering the number of these stamps that would have been lost or destroyed, it would make this stamp with very scarce. Please see condition remarks and photos

From - 1 month ago