30 kw Generac / Kia Diesel Generator / Genset - 229 Hours - Load Bank Tested - $6,900 - (Cooperstown, ND)
30 KW GENERAC / KIA DIESEL GENERATOR-Mfg. 2001-Model Number: 1717850100-Serial Number: 2064721-Type: SD0030-A163.0D18EDSYY-Standby Rated at 30 kw / 30 kva-Setup 120/240 Volt, Single Phase ONLY-NOT Reconnectable to Other Voltages-4 Wire, 60 Hertz, 1800 RPM, 1.0 PF-12 Battery Volts-Powered by a 3.0L 4 Cylinder Turbocharged Kia Diesel Engine-Model Number: 3.0 LHA-Generac Engine Part Number: C2920-Skid-Mounted-Radiator Cooled-Sound-Attenuated Enclosure-55 Gallon Base Fuel Tank-Generac RamPower 232 Control Panel (E-Panel)-150 Amp 3 Pole Square D Mainline Circuit Breaker-Jacket Water Heater-Alternator-Battery Charger-Electronic Governor-Mechanical Lift Pump w/ Primer-Doowan Rotary Injector Pump-Muffler (Mounted Inside Enclosure)-229 Total Hours Since New-Dimensions: 112"L x 38"W x 60"H -LOAD BANK TESTED FREIGHT QUOTES are available upon request.We have a large selection of new & used TRANSFER SWITCHES in stock. Please contact us for a quote. Please call with any questions - (701) 371-9526 or (701) 367-4305 Website: abrahamindustrial.com ABRAHAM GENERATOR SALES CO.1008 Sunflower Ave. SECooperstown, ND 58425

From ebay.com - 1 month ago