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Stunning 9’ Chickering Concert Grand Museum Quality - $19,900 - (South Salem, NY)

I bought this in 2006. It has been dated to 1800’s. There's a few names on different parts of the piano. J.A. Charlton is stamped a couple times. Churchill is written a couple times. And Beckerman. And there's a number of 76760. It's a scale 77 number 2554. A very similar one is in the Smithsonian, but I think this is nicer with more details. I love it but moving and want to explore new options. The sound and music that comes from this piano is very rich and open and the tone is very special. I haven’t played a piano that had such a beautiful quality and feel. It’s working well. There’s a few small nicks on the case that are shown in the pictures. I hope you will love this piano and much as I have! Please message with any questions or if you’d like more information. If you need it shipped, I have good piano movers and I can help arrange if you pay for the shipping. Thank you.

Stunning 9’ Chickering Concert Grand Museum Quality
Stunning 9’ Chickering Concert Grand Museum Quality
Stunning 9’ Chickering Concert Grand Museum Quality
Stunning 9’ Chickering Concert Grand Museum Quality
Stunning 9’ Chickering Concert Grand Museum Quality


Posted in South Salem, NY, Music Instruments
From - 1 month ago