Studio Photographer - Long Beach - N.A. - (Long Beach, CA)
As a Redfin Studio and Listing Photographer, you are responsible for creating photos that show off our clients' listings in their best light, as well as photographing our agents and new hires in a studio setting with a multi-light setup. Responsibilities Create beautiful and breathtaking photos of Redfin Listings Help with any necessary staging or decluttering Take studio portraits of employees in accordance with Redfin's agent photography branding and lighting spec guide Organize, upload, and deliver photos for retouching to ensure a high-quality final product Occasionally shoot other ignments for Redfin, including but not limited to events, marketing and PR photos, and photos to promote the Redfin company and brand Who You Are You have 3-5 years of studio portrait photography background You have 3-5 yrs of listing or architectural photography You have intermediate-to-expert Adobe CC Photoshop and Capture one skills You have a high level of skill and consistency using a multiple-light studio setup You're
From ListedBuy - 1 month ago