June 24-28: SUMMER CAMP: WHEN I GROW UP I WANT TO WORK IN A MUSEUM! Grades 6-8 - N.A. - (Madison, WI)
SUMMER CAMP: WHEN I GROW UP I WANT TO WORK IN A MUSEUM! JUNE 24—28: GRADES 6-8 SUMMER REGISTRATION OPENS FEBRUARY first! High ho, high ho, it’s off to work at the museum we go! Join us for a fun-filled week working at the Wisconsin Veterans Museum. Experience behind the scenes tours, explore our brand new state of the art preservation facility, and work with our professional staff to create your own miniature exhibit to be on display through Labor Day! ABOUT SUMMER CAMPS AT THE MUSEUM: Week-long camps | Grades 3-8 June 17—21 Grades 3-5 | June 24—28 Grades 3-5| July 15—19 Grades 3-5 | July 22—26 Grades 3-5 9 AM – three PM | Bring your own lunch & snacks $225/WEEK MUSEUM MEMBERS | $250/WEEK MUSEUM NON-MEMBERS Enlist for Fun at the Wisconsin Veterans Museum Summer Camps! The camps will feature weekly themes that explore a wide range of STEM, history-based activities and field trips.

From Eventful - 1 month ago