Lot of 6 U.S. Fractional Currency Notes - All PCGS Graded, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Issues - $989 - (Galesburg, IL)
Lot of 6 U.S. Fractional Currency Notes. All PCGS Graded. Collection of Second, Third, & Fourth Issues. See pictures for specific characteristics of each note. Included are: Second Issue 5c Fr. 1232 PCGC Choice New 63 Third Issue 5c Fr. 1238 PCGS About New 50 Third Issue 10c Fr. 1253SP PCGS New 61 (this is a specimen note - no print on reverse) Third Issue 50c Fr. 1357 PCGS Fine 15 Fourth Issue 10c Fr. 1257 PCGS Choice About New 58PPQ Fourth Issue 15c Fr. 1269 PCGS Very Fine 35 Fractional Currency Notes are the most unusual of all US currency ever printed. During and after the Civil War, people hoarded coins for their precious metal content. A serious shortage of all denominations of coins developed. Since a way to make change was desperately needed in commerce, a remedy to this situation was found when the government printed various small denomination notes. These Fractional notes were not well received by the general public at the time, but are highly collectable today! Free shipping to U.S.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago