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Slim Tools Cordura Belt Pouch:pen, flashlight, scissors,EMT, paramedic - $10 - (Richfield Springs, NY)

This handy pouch is especially suited to small, slim tools. The overall dimensions are about 7" long by 5" wide. The fabric is navy Cordura with black grosgrain trim. The pouch attaches to your belt with a sturdy flap that fastens with two heavy duty snaps and velcro. Closest to your body are two long sleeves that are about 2" wide (scissors, flashlight for example) The outside sleeves are accessible with a velcro closure flap. Underneath are two 1" and one 2" wide sleeves (pen, screwdriver, etc.) It is in very good condition and seems nearly new.

Slim Tools Cordura Belt Pouch:pen, flashlight, scissors,EMT, paramedic
Slim Tools Cordura Belt Pouch:pen, flashlight, scissors,EMT, paramedic
Slim Tools Cordura Belt Pouch:pen, flashlight, scissors,EMT, paramedic


Posted in Richfield Springs, NY, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago