Gold Spangle Cypress - $5 - (Martin, TN)
This listing is for individual specimans of Gold Spangle Cypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Gold Spangle'), plants grown in 4.5" round pots, 12-14 inches tall. Gold Spangle Chamaecyparis is a medium-large conifer maturing to 30-35 feet with medium-fast growth rate. The foliage is a bright golden yellow and will surely be the focal point in the garden. Semi pendulous, sweeping branches provider for a soft texture. Ideal for a single specimen planted by itself or intersperse with evergreens with deep greed and blues to create a visually stunning wind break or privacy screen. Plants generaly shipped via USPS Priority the Wed following reciept of payment. Photos: The first photo is of one of the specific plants offered in this listing. Peach Grove Nursery is an established, licenced production nursery in the rolling hills on NW Tennessee specializing in conifers and other rare/unusual plant materials, member The American Conifer Society and Urban Forestry Council.

From - 1 month ago