Multivet Spray Commander Remote Trainer Spray Collar - $98 - (Stanstead, QC)
When your dog is too distracted to obey a command or displays bad behavior, you use the handheld remote control dog training device to trigger the spray collar. A harmless spray is released; it interrupts the dog's inappropriate actions and makes him receptive to your command. It offers a surprise stimulus that targets your dog's heightened senses: He hears it, feels it, sees it and smells it. He begins to associate his inappropriate behaviors with receiving a spray. Through repetition, association and conditioning, the unacceptable behavior is soon eliminated. The Kit Include: Handheld Remote Control, Patented Spray device, Adjustable Collar, Two 6volt battery, 1 Scentlesss spray refill. Can be used for training with the positive sound reinforcement Scientifically proven spray technology Resolve problems faster without pain or fear Increases loyalty and obedience The most complete remote training solution

From - 1 month ago