Husqvarna 555 Chainsaw 20" New - $550 - (Hayward, WI)
FEATURESWant to take a closer look? Learn more about the product in depth by exploring its design and features.AutoTuneAutoTune gives optimal engine performance throughout automatic engine setting.No time spent on carburetor adjustments. It compensates fordifferent fuels, altitude, humidity, temperature and clogged air filter.Air Injection®Centrifugal air cleaning system removes larger dust and debris particles before reaching the air filter. This results in reduced air filter cleanings and improved engine life.X-Torq®Delivers lower fuel consumption and reduced exhaust emission levels in accordance with the world´s most stringent environmental regulations.LowVib®System designed to reduce vibration levels to the operator, which lessens fatigue.Show more features SpecificationsDo you need further details to make the right decision? Learn more in the specifications section below. Locate your dealerCompare Chainsaws EngineCylinder displacement59.8 cm³Cylinder displacement3.65 cu.inchPower output4.3 hpMaximum power speed9600 rpmFuel tank volume1.4 US pintFuel consumption438 g/kWhIdling speed2800 rpmSpark plugNGK CMR6HElectrode gap0.02 inTorque, max.3.51 Nm EquipmentRecommended bar length, max24 inRecommended bar length, min13 inChain speed at max power69.9 fts DimensionsWeight (excl. cutting equipment)13.01 lbs LubricantOil tank volume0.7 US pintOil pump typeAdjustable flowOil pump capacity Max15 ml/minOil pump capacity Min6 ml/min Overall dimensionsWeight (excl. cutting equipment)13.01 lbs Sound and NoiseSound power level, guaranteed (LWA)118 dB(A)Sound power level, measured116 dB(A)Sound pressure level at operators ear106 dB(A) VibrationEquivalent vibration level (ahv, eq) front handle3.0 m/s²Equivalent vibration level (ahv, eq) rear handle5.0 m/s²

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