Practical Geocaching – 13mm Brass Oriental Lucky Coins - 25 pcs - Free Freight! - $3 - (Hopkinsville, KY)
NEW for Winter 2019 ! Practical Geocaching® has had requests from Geocachers for affordable SWAG (Stuff We All Get) to leave in caches. Our 13mm Brass Oriental Lucky Coins are the answer. We tried some larger coins, but it was impossible to get them to fit any smaller cache containers. At just 1/2" these coins will fit in all but the smaller Bison tubes and, of course, in anything larger. We've found that the 'Luck' does not diminish with the smaller size. The coins have a good look to them with an antique brass finish. A bit different from most items you'll find people leaving in the field. Be distinctive - for just a baker's dozen of cents per coin! You will receive 25 coins, shipped via First Class Mail - as always with Practical Geocaching® FREIGHT FREE! (Please see our other items! Just type "" in your browser or 'Practical Geocaching®'in the Search Box above!)

From - 1 month ago