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Stand Up Comedy Night feat. Comics Ronn Vigh plus Ian Kung - N.A. - (Walnut Creek, CA)

Stand Up Comedy Night every second and fourth Weds of the month (No Door Cover) at 8:30pm-10pm with a lineup of hilarious comedians every other week only at Retro Junkie downtown Walnut Creek Weds March 13th 2019 we bring you Headliner Ronn Vigh plus Special Guest Ian Kung Early in his career, Ronn Vigh's brash attitude and acerbic wit earned him a comparison to a young Joan Rivers by the SF Weekly. It was certainly a fitting comparison as Ronn later became a writer for Rivers on her hit E! Tv show "Fashion Police." Ronn regularly performs at comedy clubs, colleges and festivals across the nation. He also co-hosts the sports-comedy podcast, "Switching Teams: A Gay Dude & A Straight Dude Talk About Sports." His biggest accomplishment: Working briefly as a flight attendant and not attempting to smother any of his passengers with a pillow. Yes, there were complimentary pillows on the plane when Ronn did that job. Please don't do the math.

Stand Up Comedy Night feat. Comics Ronn Vigh plus Ian Kung


Posted in Walnut Creek, CA, Tickets
From Eventful - 1 month ago