Erie Day of Code 2019 - N.A. - (Erie, PA)
Erie Day of Code is a one-day event taking place in Erie, PA on Friday, June 28th, 2019 for web developers, computer scientists, creatives, and overall tech enthusiasts! Join us for a series of talks, open discussions, and an after-party. Together, we will teach and learn about the progression of web development and open source - not only in Erie, but globally. This marks our fifth year of Erie Day of Code. Our past years were a blast and we look forward to seeing everyone again this year! There will be an after-party on Friday evening after the conference and going until nine PM. All attendees are welcome! Prepare yourself for food, drinks, board games, and hack areas! Check out and follow us on Twitter at for news and announcements leading up to the event, as well as live updates during the conference itself. To get a t-shirt with your ticket, please be sure to purchase your ticket by June 14th. Unlike past years, we will not have extra t-shirts.

From Eventful - 1 month ago