Century Optics 0.7x 0.5x Super Wide Angle Lens Converter 86mm 67mm Screw Adapter - $339 - (Green Cove Springs, FL)
SELLS ON B&H for $795! There's some dust (that can be blown out) but it's in very good used condition, with light wear on the outside -- I didn't see any cleaning marks or scratches on the glass, but it is used -- so please inspect the photos for the condition. This is two wide-angle adapters in one -- one works alone as a .7x, and combined with the other, becomes a .5x. We bought it with an adapter to 86mm, and then added a step-down ring to 67mm, to mount it to a 20mm Zeiss Jena Flektogon. It's impressive -- you could see the whole room with it! We shot with it on the feature that we just wrapped, and since then, we purchased a 14mm Zeiss Standard Speed, so we have no need for the wide angle adapter anymore! Letting it go to a loving home. Check back -- I will try to update this with images we shot on it! I need to get the 4k transcoded. Selling it with both step-down rings, a back cap (that does not attach), original front cap, and pouch. To use this adapter, your lens must be able to shoot in macro mode. This is why we used it with the Flektogon, it was already wide, and also focuses in macro. There are a few sellers that convert the Flektogon to PL mount -- (let me know if you're interested in more info). Here's the description from B&H: "Compact, lightweight and economical, the WA-7X5X Wide-Angle Adapter Set is the industry standard. The set consists of two lenses: the .7x Wide-Angle and .5x Super Wide-Angle. The .7x attaches to the front of a Video zoom lens, increasing coverage by 30%. Adding the .5x to the .7x produces coverage nearly double that captured by the lens alone. (The .5x used alone increases coverage 30%.) For example, when attached to a lens that zooms to 9mm, the .7x Wide-Angle adapter shortens the effective focal length to 6.3mm. Adding the .5x Super Wide-Angle further alters the wide end of the lens to just 4.5mm, thus producing coverage nearly double that captured by the lens alone." -- PLEASE VERIFY IT WILL WORK FOR YOUR NEEDS BEFORE CO

From ebay.com - 1 month ago