Geiger Counter Radiation Meter - $130 - (West Monroe, LA)
I built this geiger counter from an - RH Electronics kit MyGeiger ver.2 Dosimeter Geiger Counter Kit with LCD Shield and USB. I used the Russian meter tube because it works great and fits perfectly on the board. Comes complete with rechargeable battery, charger and usb cable.Everything you see here is included. The pelican cases would cost about $50 for both new. The tube costs about $40 and the kit geiger counter kit costs $85 not assembled but they are no longer available. I have over $175 invested in this counter so my loss is your gain:)More information on this kit can be found here:Click hereInformation on the tube can be found here:Click here Geiger Counter, Radiation Meter, MyGeiger ver 2 - Youtube Video will open in a new window [GAMBIT 597 - CUSTOM CODE - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2017]

From - 1 month ago