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19th Century Staffordshire Spill Vase Mounted as a Lamp - $1,200 - (Pittsburgh, PA)

Wonderful Staffordshire vase depicting a gentleman and his dog in excellent condition. The figure sitting on the oval brass base stands 14 1/4" tall. The shade rest is 24 1/4" high.

19th Century Staffordshire Spill Vase Mounted as a Lamp
19th Century Staffordshire Spill Vase Mounted as a Lamp
19th Century Staffordshire Spill Vase Mounted as a Lamp
19th Century Staffordshire Spill Vase Mounted as a Lamp
19th Century Staffordshire Spill Vase Mounted as a Lamp


Posted in Pittsburgh, PA, Household Items
From - 1 month ago