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2006 BX 24 KUBOTA - LOW HOURS with Brush Hog, Backblade and York Rake - $16,500 - (Greenfield Center, NY)

Excellent condition Bucket, Backhoe, 4 ft LandPride Brush Hog, Backblade and York RakeMaintained regularly by dealerServiced recently February 2019Apx 285 hours

2006 BX 24 KUBOTA - LOW HOURS with Brush Hog, Backblade and York Rake
2006 BX 24 KUBOTA - LOW HOURS with Brush Hog, Backblade and York Rake
2006 BX 24 KUBOTA - LOW HOURS with Brush Hog, Backblade and York Rake
2006 BX 24 KUBOTA - LOW HOURS with Brush Hog, Backblade and York Rake
2006 BX 24 KUBOTA - LOW HOURS with Brush Hog, Backblade and York Rake


Posted in Greenfield Center, NY, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago