Patent and Trademark Flexstic - $75,000 - (Lewisville, TX)
Flexstic ® Increase circulation and increase your range of motion with stretching and resistance. Perfect for getting loose before swinging a golf club, baseball bat, hockey stick etc. An excellent upper body stretch for all sports. Work your Back, Chest, Arm muscle groups and Midsection. Lose those love handles. Adjustable to accommodate a wingspan from 4’-0” to 7’-10”. Great for seniors to use while standing or sitting. Use for pre and post weight training stretch. Add to your Yoga routine. Fits in your golf bag. Increase Driving Distance. Stretch, Resistance, Improve Back Swing and Follow Through.Made in the USA Heavy Duty Lifetime Warranty.Adjustable to accommodate a wingspan from 4'-0Fits in your golf bag. Stretch out, get loose before round.For ages 8 on up. Increase range of motion. Twitter-@flexstic1 All USPTO transfer fees to be paid by buyer.

From - 1 month ago