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ASUS H97i-Plus Motherboard Mini-ITX - Socket 1150 With i5 4570 CPU and 16GB RAM - $360 - (Bryan, TX)

Had this motherboard in a system that I hadn't used in 8 months and figured someone else might have better use for it. this listing is for the Asus H97I-Plus ITX motherboard, Intel Core i5 4570 CPU, and 16GB of PNY XLR8 DDR3 RAM. All components were tested and still work great. If you have any questions, please let me know.

ASUS H97i-Plus Motherboard Mini-ITX - Socket 1150 With i5 4570 CPU and 16GB RAM
ASUS H97i-Plus Motherboard Mini-ITX - Socket 1150 With i5 4570 CPU and 16GB RAM
ASUS H97i-Plus Motherboard Mini-ITX - Socket 1150 With i5 4570 CPU and 16GB RAM
ASUS H97i-Plus Motherboard Mini-ITX - Socket 1150 With i5 4570 CPU and 16GB RAM
ASUS H97i-Plus Motherboard Mini-ITX - Socket 1150 With i5 4570 CPU and 16GB RAM


Posted in Bryan, TX, Electronics
From - 1 month ago