PICTURE PERFECT Stock Photography catalog no. 10 c1996 - $84 - (Necedah, WI)
***Please note, any spots you see in my pictures are from my camera. This book is VERY clean, only the cover shows a little wear. *** A rare book indeed. Picture Perfect formerly 254 West 31st street New York,NY I looked them up on line to no avail. There is a photo studio called Picture Perfect in New York but it did not sound like the same when I called them. Book measures about 11 x 9 inches and about 3/4" thick. ALL the pictures inside it's 298 pages of photos are in fine condition, super clear and sharp, thus a Stock Photographic or Photgraphy catalog. Please do not hesitate to contact me with requests for specifics on pictures or anything re it. Please zoom in as well as possible to see any details in my pics..

From ebay.com - 1 month ago