QTY 6 Kubco Decanter Centrifuges 24x38 bowl size Oilfield Centrifuges - $75,000 - (Humble, TX)
Qty 6 Kubco centrifuges 24x38 bowl size Carbon steel $75,000 for all Package deal CENTRIFUGE WORLD www. CentrifugeWorld .com (773)617-0937 We are pleased to also offer the following,We have multiple units in stock that need to be moved to create space in our warehouse the models are as followsWesphalia MSA 100, Alfa laval NX 418, Wesphalia MRPX 417,Sharples P3400 & P5400, Wesphalia SMAR 5036, Wesphalia BRPX 417Alfa laval NX 414, Sharples DS707 & 705 Wesphalia SA 20 & SA 40 And much more available High speed disc machines and Decanter centrifuges, We can fit any industry's need from Food to ChemicalCentrifuge World company TAGS Juice, Wine, Milk, adhesives, Mining, Chemical, Marine, Bio, Gas production, Corn milling, rendering,

From ebay.com - 1 month ago