LIONS CLUB..1959 Membership Certificate..Cambridge, Ohio..Paul Murgatroyd - $24 - (Spencer, WV)
1959 (Framed) Lions Club Certificate of Membership issued to Paul Murgatroyd The International Association of Lions Clubs Paper Certificate is dated June 1, 1959 and the Club was, and still is, located in Cambridge, Ohio...The Lions Club of Cambridge, Ohio was founded in 1924 Certificate is signed by G.C. Baumann/Club Secretary and Harold S. Gillespie/Club President and Dudley L. Simms/International President Paul Murgatroyd resided in Cambridge at 709 Wall Avenue and died in 1985 (1921/1985) Certificate is framed and measures 9" x 11"...Frame is old-style standard black wood Certificate is in Excellent Condition and is the only example listed on ebay Shipping within continental USA only - Item will ship USPS 1st Class Mail Feel free to ask questions & Thanks for Looking !~

From - 1 month ago