CW Telegraph Key - $38 - (Fernandina Beach, FL)
BLUE DIAMOND SERIES REFURBISHED KEY 2019. This key has been listed before. Relisted adding a mounted wooden base with cable guard and rubber feet so key will not slide when in use. Key (I believe) is a old Nye Viking Key (or Signal Electric) on a metal base. The lever and knurls are made of brass (which tells me this is an older key). Connection cable with a 1/4 inch stereo jack wired tip-hot, ring-empty, sleeve-ground. Ready to use on most rigs. You may need an adapter 3mm plug if your equipment using a 3mm jack for the CW Key. Key is in excellent shape and works very nice. A good beginner key or to have as a spare. Key looks 'new' and has never been used (as far as I can tell). 'Offers' welcome... -----------------------------------DISCLAIMER: Please note that the Keys I restore/refurbish are not meant to diminish the integrity of the keys for those using Morse code keys as an Amateur Radio Operator or serious Collector. The majority of these keys that I refurbish are in really bad shape (where most would be thrown away as junk). I try to restore the best I can, using original parts, or what I can get at a local hardware store. I add a ‘flare’ of ‘color’ to enhance the keys, and ‘naming’ a particular group of keys for the year that they were refurbished. I have been doing this since 2010. Starting originally at local Ham-Fest, then using eBay starting in 2018. These keys are not made to ‘offend’ anyone or any manufacturer of a particular key, but to restore an old key for someone that may get some enjoyment using a good looking old key. 73's…..Bill

From - 1 month ago