Three (3) A/C Power Cords for Realistic TRC-457 and Other CB Radios - $22 - (Live Oak, CA)
This listing is for three (3) new two prong A/C Power cords that mates into the Realistic TRC-457 and many other CB radios. The following brands and models are just a few that utilize this style power cord to the best of my knowledge. Cardon Iroquios 40 - CanadianCitizen 40 Channel SSB Base SSB-M6Cobra 131Cornell Dublier Mark XGE Super BaseGE 3-5869AGE 3-5871GE 3-5871BGemtronics GTX-66Hitachi CM-4800Hhy-gain VIII BaseJC Penney - 981-6235JC Penney - 981-6236JC Penney - 981-6237Kraco SSB De LuxeKraco KB-2345Kraco KB-2355 Kraco KCB-4045MLafayette Telsat 925Lafayette Telsat 1050Lafayette Telsat 1140Lafayette Telsat 1240Lafayette Telsat SSB-100 - 99-33060Lafayette Telsat SSB-140Lake 40 Channel Base StationMidland 13-858Midland 13-863Midland 13-877Midland 13-879BMidland 13-885Midland 13-886Midland 13-887Midland 13-898Midland 13-898BMidland 13-976 Midland 76-858 Midland 76-860Midland 76-863Midland 76-999Midland 78-574Midland 78-999Pace CB-113 Pace CB-162Pace 1000BPace 1023BRCA Co-Pilot 40 Channel Base - 14T303Realistic TRC-30, 30A, 30B, 30CRealistic TRC-55 Early ProductionRealistic TRC-57Realistic TRC-431Realistic TRC-454Realistic TRC-457Realistic TRC-458Sears CM-7100S Roadtalker 40Simpson-Sears 60105 - CanadianTeaberry Stalker 202Teaberry T-Control TB-1400Uniden Madison (Early Version) Not a complete list.

From - 1 month ago