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Old Amanda Jane doll dress - $14 - (Sault Ste. Marie, ON)

Here is a great little original dress for your Amanda Jane collection.It just needs a gentle cleaning and will look perfect.I found it on another doll.Please ask if you have any questions.thank you very much. ********NOTICE****** I want to clear as much of the items I have listed before spring hits, as I just seem not too have too much time left to manage my listings. So for anyone who would like to help me ...if you buy items 200 dollars in value, I will post for free in Canada and the USA......And of course...anything higher we can negotiate postage!!! I look forward to you having fun bargain shopping!! thank you!!!

Old Amanda Jane doll dress
Old Amanda Jane doll dress
Old Amanda Jane doll dress
Old Amanda Jane doll dress


Posted in Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago