Kodak 3A Folding Pocket Autographic Camera - $40 - (Williamsburg, VA)
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Posted 1 month ago
Body of the camera is in pretty good condition for it's age, no real issues aside from your typical wear-and-tear from a camera of this age. The bellows are still in good shape, no pinholes showing when using a very bright LED light. The glass on the lens is surprisingly clear. No scratches (aside from you typical "cleaning marks") and no fungus or any other issues aside from some minor dust. The shutter fires well but unfortunately, the timing is off. When I measured the 2 shutter speeds I found that 1/50th shutter speed actually fires closer to 1/25th & 1/25th shutter speed actually fires closer to 1/15th.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago