Handmade Black Walnut Artist's Ink, 4 oz. - $24 - (Asheville, NC)
Offered is four ounces of handmade black walnut ink. This ink is permanent and lightfast. Walnut ink is about as labor-intensive as traditional bistre to make; it offers a warmth that bistre seldom matches and that mass-produced chemical inks cannot approach. Yet its price compares with drawing and calligraphy ink at most art-supply houses. There are lots of inks out there which use "walnut" in their names, but make no mistake: this is real walnut ink, brewed lovingly from real walnuts. As is the case with the world's best fine art supplies, this is a natural product, made with a lot of love and a little high technology. Take a look at the photos, and see what this ink can do. They were taken to show its color, transparency and delicacy when used with reed pen, quill pen, or brush, whether full-strength or in a wash. Of course, it performs beautifully with a steel dip pen as well. Do not use with a cartridge pen. Offer is for four (4) fluid ounces of ink. Drawings and pens not included.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago