COMBINE SHIP:new/sealed NANTUCKET HOME photo album, 300 4x6 photos Archival Safe - $10 - (State College, PA)
The only country I ship to is the USA --- please notice that there is an additional way for you to see this by clicking on the "Shipping and payments" tab where USA is the only country listed in the menu there, thanks. The actual photo album shown in the photos. Please see the photos. If you are interested in a discount on total shipping cost of multiple listings: I can combine shipping for you to reduce your total shipping cost on multiple listings. If you are interested in this, do not pay for individual listings separately,and instead first receive from me the total amount for them which will includein it the combined total shipping amount. To receive this total from me,you can put the individual listings into your Cart (by using the Add To Cart button)if they are not in your Cart already, and then, once the items appear in your Cartyou can use the "Request total from seller" button. This will notify methat you are asking for a total from me. Thanks.To summarize: To obtain combined shipping on multiple listings, do not pay before receiving from me a total or invoice for those multiple listings. Please pay with PayPal.

From - 1 month ago