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Grumbacher Oil Painting Restorer, 2-1/2 Oz. Jar, #5782 - $13 - (Spring, TX)

Thank you for visiting our ebay store! Grumbacher Oil Painting Restorer is a surface cleaner for completed and dried oil paintings. It revives, refreshes and conditions a painting by removing surface soil. Apply to a lint-free cloth to gently clean the surface of a work while constantly turning the cloth so as not to rub soil into the painting. Use with care around highly textured surfaces. Oil painting restorer may be removed with a clean cloth dampened with turpentine. Made in USA. - A surface cleaner for completed and dried oil paintings - It revives, refreshes and conditions oil paintings by removing surface soil - Use with care around highly textured surfaces - grooves, nooks and crevices - Use with a dampened soft, lint-free cloth - Made in USAGrumbacher Oil Painting Restorer, 2-1/2 Oz. Jar, #5782

Grumbacher Oil Painting Restorer, 2-1/2 Oz. Jar, #5782
Grumbacher Oil Painting Restorer, 2-1/2 Oz. Jar, #5782
Grumbacher Oil Painting Restorer, 2-1/2 Oz. Jar, #5782
Grumbacher Oil Painting Restorer, 2-1/2 Oz. Jar, #5782
Grumbacher Oil Painting Restorer, 2-1/2 Oz. Jar, #5782


Posted in Spring, TX, Arts & Crafts
From - 1 month ago