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Microsoft Pharos GPS-500 SIRF III P/N X13-51914 - $4 - (Horseshoe Bay, TX)

This is a Microsoft Pharos GPS-500 SIRFIII GPS antenna. This was purchased many years ago as a package with the Streets and Trips software. This thing has seen lots of use, and definitely shows signs of it. The USB connector to the antenna was sitting in the Texas sun for several years, so its kind of misshapen (melted), and that is possibly contributing to the intermittent connection problems. It also has velcro stuck to the bottom (from dash mounting). This unit does work well, but due to the connection problem I have no more use for it. The connection problem can probably be solved by using a new USB interface to it. Free shipping. I only accept PayPal.

Microsoft Pharos GPS-500 SIRF III P/N X13-51914
Microsoft Pharos GPS-500 SIRF III P/N X13-51914
Microsoft Pharos GPS-500 SIRF III P/N X13-51914


Posted in Horseshoe Bay, TX, Electronics
From - 1 month ago