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Assorted Bucket O'Eggs Fertile Chicken Hatching Eggs, Rare and Old Fashioned - $20 - (Frankford, DE)

You are bidding on a bucket o'eggs.... There are approximately 14-16 eggs in this bucket, depending on the size of the eggs.. Breed varieties will be made up from any of our birds, which will include standard favorite's and some rare breeds as well... I will send you the best mixture that I can but cannot guarantee specific breeds. Breed varieties may include, Plymouth Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red, Black Copper Maran's, American's or Olive Eggers, Each breed shipped will be pure and from the best birds that I have true to breed standards. Shipping will be on Monday's and Tuesday's, USPS priority mail, anywhere within the continental US. No intentional shipping.

Assorted Bucket O'Eggs Fertile Chicken Hatching Eggs, Rare and Old Fashioned
Assorted Bucket O'Eggs Fertile Chicken Hatching Eggs, Rare and Old Fashioned
Assorted Bucket O'Eggs Fertile Chicken Hatching Eggs, Rare and Old Fashioned
Assorted Bucket O'Eggs Fertile Chicken Hatching Eggs, Rare and Old Fashioned
Assorted Bucket O'Eggs Fertile Chicken Hatching Eggs, Rare and Old Fashioned


Posted in Frankford, DE, Farm & Garden
From - 1 month ago