6 BOOTED LEMON MILLEFLEUR SABLEPOOT hatching eggs!!! - $75 - (High Springs, FL)
Due to their rarity in the United States and our limited supply, this is an exclusive listing. AMAZING BEAUTY.........EXCEPTIONAL FEATHER QUALITY...............SWEET AND LOVING TEMPERMENT BE THE FIRST FEW IN THE U.S. TO HAVE THESE GORGEOUS BIRDS RNK Farms is a family run farm in Northern Florida, where we raise heritage and specialty chicken breeds. We are NPIP certified and AI clean! Due to local and online demand, we are now offering Lemon Millefleur Sablepoot (aka Sabelpoots and Booted Bantams) hatching eggs and have now expanded our offering to the Ebay community of chicken lovers! While there are several self-colored and various Millefleur Sablepoot colors in Europe, the most admired, sought after and almost impossible to find color, here in the United States, is the Lemon Millefleur Sablepoot. Its name is derived from the extravagant feathering on the feet and hock joints, which are called vulture hocks or "sabels" in Dutch. With no large fowl counterpart from which it was miniaturized, the Booted is one of the true bantams, and listed as a rare breed by The Rare Poultry Society. Sablepoots have a complex European history which spreads over Great Britain, Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium (where it is believed they were crossed with the Barbu d'Anvers to create the Barbu d'Uccles). Sablepoots have tighter neck feathering than Barbu d'Uccles, with no beard or neck boule. In French, "Mille Fleur" literally translates as "Thousand Flowers", which is an abstract description of the uniquely beautiful feather patterns and coloration of these birds. The plumage of Lemon Millefleur Sablepoots is striking, with the contrast of their lemon feathers splash with black and white markings. Lemon Millefleur Sablepoots are often cited as one of the Top 10 most beautiful chickens in the world! RNK Farms is a multi-country registered breeder of authentic Lemon Millefleur Sablepoots. We are registered in the United Kingdom and United States. Our Lemons came from various au

From ebay.com - 1 month ago