Winston 10 ton Gooseneck trailer - $6,500 - (Jesup, GA)
Winston dually gooseneck that's been completely refurbished to better than new. The list of services and upgrades are extensive and first rate. New paint Brakes Serviced New treated pine decking (complete 20ft slab) All lights upgraded to new LED New LED Fog lights to light working area New 12k Winch w/wireless control Patent pending deck landing lights, our inlaid LED lights aid in loading alinement for a perfect load everytime On board battery for independent function and operartion without the need for an external power source to use all lighting and loading accessories On board solar system for ensuring onboard battery is always fully charged External trailer control panel with Independent lighting control as well as ability to control all systems Independently, including solar charging system and monitor accessories amp draw and battery levels.

From - 1 month ago