LUDWIG 6-ply 18" X 16" Floor Tom in Gloss Black Cortex (Refurbished) - $349 - (Burlington, ON)
PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY. This BUY IT NOW auction is for a re-furbished 18" Round X 16" Deep 6-ply LUDWIG Floor Tom in Gloss Back Cortex. Drum is factory drilled for 16 large classic lugs and 3 P1216 Leg mounts. Drum is Tone Control Delete. Original Round Corner Blue & Olive Badge Serial # 3027705 which puts this drum around 1983/84. No extra holes. All the hardware is original to the drum accept the Floor Tom Legs. They are newer. Restoration on this drum was done in 2011. Here's what's been done. I Picked this drum up in 2011. Originally chrome over wood. The chrome wrap had been painted black. The hoops and lugs were painted grey. Luckily the paint was water based. So the grey paint came off very easily with soap and water. The wrap on the other the other hand I wasn't concerned about cause I was re-wrapping the drum to match my kit. After removing all the hardware I removed the chrome wrap. The Wrap came off with no damage to the outer shell. Next I removed all the glue from the outside of the shell then sanded the outside smooth with sand paper. I also had to sand the inside of the shell to bare wood cause the original clear interior was in rough shape. The mounting hardware had rusted leaving stains on the interior of the shell. After sanding was complete I re-finished the inside with 6 coats of clear. Once that was done I re-wrapped the drum in a new gloss black cortex wrap. If you look at Picture #9 You'll see there is a 1/2 strip of wrap running vertically down the drum. That is where the seem is. The Seem was supposed to be over lapped but the over lap snapped off during wrapping. It snapped pretty cleanly and evenly. But Instead of pulling all the wrap back off and starting again I choose to cover the seem this way. Once that was done I took the shell to a custom drum builder and had the baring edges trued and re-cut. They were then sanded smooth with 220 and 320 grit sand paper. Baring edges are still smooth and true today. Next I assembled t

From - 1 month ago